Thématique: Finding sources
How to access sources
The art of successful online ordering
  • Check the availability of an item on swisscovery UNIGE
  • Find print sources at the library
  • Request an item from a library of the SLSP network
  • Access online resources via swisscovery UNIGE
What type of resources can be accessed using swisscovery UNIGE? (select all that apply)
Among the following suggestions, which can help you find a print book available at the UNIGE Library? (select all that apply)
The document delivery service is free for students and employees of the University of Geneva. (True/False)
(Log on to My Space to save your results.)

Like Fred, maybe you dream of receiving all your resources at home with a few clicks? Although it’s not quite reality yet, thanks to swisscovery UNIGE, you can access the collections of the UNIGE library and other institutions in the SLSP network easily.

To find a print source at the UNIGE library, use swisscovery UNIGE:

  • Search for your document in swisscovery UNIGE
  • Click on the title of the document to show the complete location information (library, stack/area and call number):

screenshot swisscovery UNIGE

If the document you’re looking for isn’t available, the locations of the other Swiss academic libraries (of the SLSP network) which own the item will be displayed below the UNIGE locations. To order an item from another library, use the block "Further request options":

screenshot swisscovery UNIGE

For electronic resources, you will find the mention "Available Online" which will direct you to links to access the item directly:

screenshot swisscovery UNIGE

Some of the online resources are available through subscriptions purchased by the Library. In this case, please refer to the module "How to access electronic resources from anywhere" to know how to proceed. However, Open Access resources are accessible to everyone on the web.

