Thématique: Plagiarism
How to recognize plagiarism
The art of not being an accidental plagiarist
  • Identify acts of plagiarism
Anna is writing a report on the history of doping in sports. Read the following excerpt, which Anna would like to draw from in her paper. Then decide how she could use it without committing plagiarism. (Select only one answer.)

The Ancient Greeks were also the first to use stimulants in the form of potions of brandy and wine as part of their sport training routine. The Roman gladiators also used unspecified stimulants to overcome fatigue and injury. Most of these stimulants were derived from plants.
Source: Holt, R. I., Erotokritou-Mulligan, I. & Sönksen, P. H. (2009). The history of doping and growth hormone abuse in sport. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 19(4), 320-326.

Further along in her paper, Anna would like to paraphrase another part of this same article (Holt, Erotokritou-Mulligan & Sönksen, 2009). What should she do to indicate her source? (Select only one answer.)
Jules helped Anna find an image for her presentation, and he modified the image so that it would better reflect the point she wanted to make. On the last slide of her presentation, Anna cited the source of the original image and thanked Jules for the help he had given her. Was there anything wrong with what Anna and Jules did? (Select only one answer.)
(Log on to My Space to save your results.)

As Anna demonstrates in the video, plagiarism is akin to theft. It is a risk students run each time they copy and paste.

To keep from slipping into involuntary plagiarism, keep the most common cases of plagiarism in mind:

  • Copying part of a text word for word or with minor changes, without indicating the source
  • Paraphrasing the words of an author (that is, reformulating them in your own words) without indicating the source
  • Translating a sentence without mentioning that you have translated it or indicating the source of the original text
  • Using images, graphics or other illustrations without indicating the source
  • Reusing something you’ve already written and presenting it as original work—that’s called self-plagiarism

Watch out for group work: As all group members will be held responsible if one groupmate plagiarizes in his or her section, you should raise your classmates’ awareness on this issue.


