How to access sources - The art of successful online ordering [Voice-over] Thursday morning. Fred is part of the generation of slackers who expect their desires to be fulfilled immediately. Fred needs to prepare for his next sociology seminar, but to be quite honest, he can’t be bothered to go and fetch his documents or wait to receive them. Fred dreams of university being as simple as real life. [Fred, Voice-over] So, Sociology of Hunger, Burger… Add to basket… Order… Do you have a discount code? No… Do you want to add Max Tacos or Maxi Best of? Erm, Tacos… Yep, why not… Delivery, at home… Credit card… credit card… oh, they take Twint. [Dialogues] Delivery man : “What’s up? Are you Freddy96? Yeah? It was a nightmare mate. The satnav said block 8, level 5. But it’s block 9, level 4. So we couldn’t find your Burger 65… But seriously, edition 65, don’t you want something a bit fresher? So I’ve brought you an edition 92, glossy paper, really classy, it’ll sort you out. It needs to go in the microwave because it’s got a bit cold, yeah? So, I’m off now, I’ve got academic articles to deliver next door.” Delivery man : “Oops, wait, I nearly forgot your extra Tacos… Oops, not that… Yeah, that, you’ll love it. See you mate, see you.” [Voice-over] You’re dreaming Fred. But you’re not actually that far from the truth. Nowadays, with rapid digitisation, more and more resources are available online, straight away, at home. In any case, there is a rapid and effective tool for finding and accessing resources: swisscovery UNIGE. It is the tool for finding printed and online documents in the University of Geneva’s library. In practice, to find a document: 1. Define the scope of your search. Do you only want to search UNIGE documents, documents in the Geneva region or documents in the whole of the SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform) network, which is to say around 500 academic libraries across the whole of Switzerland? 2. Click on the reference to display details on availability: o For documents in the UNIGE library, note the position with the call number. o For documents in other libraries, simply use the ordering function and select where you want to collect the document. o For electronic documents, click on the link “available online”. You will have access to electronic documents such as e-books and online journals provided by the University of Geneva as well as a selection of open access resources. As the name suggests, open access resources can be accessed by anyone online. To find out more about this movement, or for tips for searching these resources, go to “For further study”. [Dialogues] Librarian : “Can I help you?” Fred : “Hmm, yep, I’ll have a BK, a big coke, chips and barbecue sauce please.” Fred : “Sorry, I’ll take that please.” Librarian : “And your Burger. Are you taking it as well?” Fred : “No no… I always order too much… and then I never finish it… just this thanks.”